According to our “LACC Above Suspicion Policy” all LACC staff and volunteers must go through an annual screening process which includes a background check. Staff includes: General Board, Paid Staff, Ministry, Organization, Commission,  and Committee Members.  A link to the policy is included below for your convenience. Loudon Avenue Christian Church secured the online services of Protect My Ministry to conduct our annual background checks. There is no cost to individuals to complete the background check and individual BASIC background check information will be kept confidential.

Link: LACC Above Suspicion Policy

Instructions for Protect My Ministry Background Check

1.     Click the link below to get started utilizing the Protect My Ministry website.


2.     Fill in the required information including Name, Date of Birth, Address, Social Security Number, etc.

3.     Click on Continue

4.     Click on Agree under “Disclosure and Authorization – Background Investigation”

5.     Fill in the required information

6.     Click on Continue

7.     You will see notice “Application Completed”

If the entire process is not completed, we will not be able to order the individual BASIC background check.